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The Green Butterfly Synchronicity Game

  This blog is a documentation of The Green Butterfly. The Green Butterfly is the name of a project aimed at producing synchronicities. The ...

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Bozo Sings- 6-8-24


“The mind was dreaming. The world was its dream.”
― Jorge Luis Borges

The Green Butterfly Synchronicity Game


This blog is a documentation of The Green Butterfly. The Green Butterfly is the name of a project aimed at producing synchronicities. The top drawer of COSMIC has been, up until now, inactive, the purpose of this space having not been announced until just a few days ago. 

The Green Butterfly Sync Game

Thus far what is known of the game is this: It features an array of mineral specimens, sacred geometry, and holographic images all chosen for their magical correspondences. Intentions are created and placed in the grid in order that they might materialize in the real world. We are currently experimenting with layering intentions, such that a very practical objective might be paired with one or more silly targets such that omens are enabled around particular outcomes. For example, I want to find my very own meteorite specimen in the wild because meteorites are cool. A photo of a meteorite is placed in one compartment, and in this case it has mineral accompaniments that include a tekkite and a moldovite because they both have a relationship to meteorites. In that same compartment there will be placed a few other intended synchronicities yet to be. Yesterday one of the suggestions recieved was the word “clown.” What occurred in my natural environment was this:

Now, the prompt for the sync might be something fairly commonplace, but the fulfillment of the sync has to be something unusual enough to be surprising. Unusual and surprising are defined by the person doing the observing. As with anything in the nature of omens, the feeling is the key. 

We’ve also found it useful to conceive a rating scale in relation to synchronicities. The scale is from 1 to 5, with 1 being a minor correspondence that indicates that the energy is engaged. It’s a little nudge of encouragement from the multiverse that one can take to mean that the game is on. Five is a sync that makes you say, “no freaking way,” while your head swims with the weirdness of it. 

In the above examples, the butterfly was a 5 and the clown a 2. The butterfly involved a visionary memory from deep childhood, a reiteration of it from an oracle and then the really specific and immediate appearance of the object in real life. The clown was a one word prompt received intuitionally which immediately showed up. 

So far this is the method as revealed. It’s very likely to change in the future as the game continues to form. I don’t make up the rules, rather they emerge from the synchronistic practice. The minor syncs are often instructive as to how the process is to be engaged. 

In regard to the minerals and sacred images, these function in a few ways. They are a symbolic language relating to intention. The subconscious mind is the origin of all things magical, mystical, miraculous and uncanny and the subconscious doesn’t much participate in the left-brain logic and language. It communicates in symbols and images. The contents of this grid are chosen because they interface directly with and focus the subconscious mind, thus enabling most any outcome no matter how inexplicable. 

The reason for creating many fun and playful opportunities to find synchronicities all day every day is for a couple of reasons. One, this is a thing one gets better at with practice. You learn to recognize the feeling of an intuited suggestion for a target and you learn to open your mind to finding it and the feeling of the aim fulfilled. Secondly, the quantum field loves to play and it really does seem to want to show you how to alter the flow of reality and it responds to all things fun, funny and novel. At least that’s how it works over here. 

For background on synchronistic experiments, which one might also term “chaos magic” or “manifestation” among other terms, the Herb project and the West Texas saga have also been documented online.